1990 saw the beginning of Fairseat. The plot was donated by the late Mrs Vivienne Horwood. 15 massive acrocarpus stumps were removed, followed by a meticulous clearing and preparation of the ground.
On March 16th, 1990, nearly 200 donors and well-wishers gathered under blue skies. The Gordon Highlanders Band played, as the people gathered for a pleasant day of celebration.
Chairman, Mr Michael Shaw expressed gratitude and Patron Sir Michael Blundell KBE turned a ‘symbolic sod’ marking the transition of the ground. Mrs Diana Shaw, Vice National Chair of the EAWL presented a plaque encapsulating the day’s significance.
Sir Michael commended the committee, presenting a symbolic ‘insurance cheque’. Dr Humphrey Belcher expressed gratitude and introduced an ’American Auction’, moving Fairseat towards a hopeful future.
This event not only marked progress, but from receiving many generous donations and tenders, the dream of Fairseat was set to become a reality.
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